Support: Tips for Using BizInt Smart Charts

Hit Term Highlighting (Records)

BizInt Smart Charts for Patents version 5.6 introduced our first support for Hit Term Highlighting. Initial support is on STNext using the BizInt report format (version 5.6) and (version 5.6.1.)


Work In Progress

Please note that hit term highlights are a work in progress. If you find anything that doesn't work, please let us know so we can work through the issues. In some cases these are markup in the export that we don't expect, in others these are bugs on our end.

Hit term highlights are presented in the backing record view (not the table) in BizInt Smart Charts and in exported records.


Supported Platforms
  • STNext using the BizInt report format
  • using the BizInt or XML export formats


More Details

Hit term highlighting is automatic. You don't need to do anything.

Hit term highlighting appears in the backing records and in exports of records (including Claims in the Summary Records export). Hit terms are not highlighted in the chart view.

Hit terms in some fields are not supported yet. This mainly affects fields like the Patent Family.

We expect to have more available sources and hit term highlights supported in more fields in coming releases.



Updated December 2021