The BizInt Smart Charts product family includes many tools to help you integrate data from multiple sources.
Combine charts: Use File | Combine to combine your pipeline, patents or trials charts into a new Combined chart. Similar fields in different databases are automatically combined into the same column.
Identify related records: Under the Tools menu, you will find the following tools to help you identify related records in your report:
These features are described in more detail in Combining and Updating Reports.
You can use the BizInt Smart Charts Reference Rows utility to create a single row summarizing related records linked by one of these tools.
BizInt Smart Charts Reference Rows™ is a utility included with BizInt Smart Charts for Patents or BizInt Smart Charts for Drug Pipelines.
BizInt Smart Charts Reference Rows™ offers the ability to create a "reference row"— a single row combining information from different sources. Related source records representing the same drug, patent family, or clinical trial – based on the same Common Drug Name, Common Patent Family, or Common Trial Identifier – are presented in a single row.
Each cell in the reference row is selected based on a database ranking and column rules which you define. Currently, Reference Rows reports are distributed in an exported file format (e.g. HTML, Word, etc.)
You can view sample patents, drug pipelines and clinical trials Reference Rows reports on this page.
BizInt Smart Charts Reference Rows™ Version 1.0 was released in December 2011. BizInt Smart Charts Reference Rows is installed as part of BizInt Smart Charts for Patents or BizInt Smart Charts for Drug Pipelines Version 3.5 or later (customer downloads or trials.)
BizInt Smart Charts Reference Rows Mini Guide describes the key features of BizInt Smart Charts Reference Rows.